Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What says "CALIFORNIA" better than a blue sky and a palm-tree-lined street?!

Here's to a California evening yesterday... (yes, that IS the hood of my car, and yes, I took this on my cell phone camera while driving!)
And this was the sun setting as I arrived at my Bible study group...
Lovely, don't you think?
Thank You, God, for yellows and blues...
and crazy Dr. Seuss-looking trees!
Thank You, God, for another day of life in You...


  1. Okay, I am LOVING that sunset! Thank you Daddy! And, thank you Sharilyn for capturing it on camera and sharing it with me today! :)

  2. i love dr seuss, you're right about the trees. the ones on the right. ok, will stop stalking you now.


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