Tuesday, March 31, 2009
a bit of love...
Monday, March 30, 2009
morning glory....
For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible...all things were created by him and for him. ~Colossians 1:16
Sunday, March 29, 2009
celebrate the Sabbath...preparing our hearts for the Cross
Saturday, March 28, 2009
stained glass windows quote about people
When times of darkness set in, I pray others would be able to see in me true beauty ... that created by the presence of the Light of the world...
and, as in the windows above, that we believers would show to the world a clear and beautiful image of the Savior....
(photos taken at Avalon Community Church, Catalina Island, CA)
Friday, March 27, 2009
what you see...
it's what you see.
a dirty parking lot floor,
(top left of picture... )
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
things that go bump in the night...(or, under the stove!)
I don't normally mind soft furry little creatures that many women scream about like mice or moles or shrews or even bats. (sidebar: for some reason, though I had terrible nightmares about vampires through much of my childhood and, as an adult, I steer far clear from ANYTHING at all vampirish, I LOVE bats!! Sorry, Mom!) I do, however, prefer not to stick my hand into dark places where these things may be residing.
Well, a couple of nights ago, I was making a cake, and I needed my little cooling racks. I have an electric stove with a big drawer in the bottom, and that's where the racks live. When I pulled out the drawer to get the cooling racks, one of them slipped behind the drawer and fell into the darkness of "UNDER THE STOVE!" HORRORS!!
I was going to have to reach my hand into the dark and potentially creepy netherworld of "UNDER THE STOVE!" Now, I know, I could have pulled the drawer completely out of the stove, so I could see behind there before sticking my hand in, but well, have you ever tried to get those drawers back on the tracks correctly?? And, I know, if I were a bit more obssesive-compulsive about cleaning UNDER the stove and refrigerator, perhaps this little venture wouldn't be quite so intimidating. (do any of you really DO that??!)
So.... all that said, I decided I couldn't possibly have anything THAT scary under my stove and reached my bare hand back behind the drawer and into the darkness UNDER THE STOVE. I tentatively tapped around with my fingertips in the general vicinity of where I thought the rack would be. I couldn't feel it, so I reached further into the darkness and used my whole hand to feel around.
I yelped and yanked my hand out of there so fast! That weren't no dust bunny under there, folks! It was something much more solid, much more furry feeling!
Needless to say, I decided to wrangle the drawer out of the bottom of the stove so I could get a view of what I had touched or would be touching on my next attempt to get the rack. I pulled and tugged and wiggled it until I had it off and lying in the middle of the kitchen floor. On hands and knees, I bent over and cautiously, yet oh so bravely!, peered into the darkness UNDER THE STOVE.... and this is what I saw :
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
inspiration...and joy...
~ Rumi
Monday, March 23, 2009
We had a great time checking out all the sea treasures and doodads in the store, and it didn't take the boys too long to make their decisions and reach their dollar limits. They were able to get a bit more "bang for their buck," as many of the items were on sale, and most of the baskets from which they pulled their treasures were marked with "SPECIAL!" signs.
When we got out to the car, both of the boys opened their bags and pulled out and unwrapped their purchases to examine them with delight once again. They were very pleased with themselves. S exclaimed about what a great shop that was and how wonderful everything was in it. He said, "These things are so very SPECIAL, aren't they, Sharilyn?!" I agreed with him that they, indeed, were.
Both boys talked excitedly about the store and the awesome things they had seen in it. And then, after remarking about how great were his purchases, S said, "There were so many good things in that store! That's why there were all those signs saying 'special'... because all those things were so special!"
I agreed with him as I held back a chuckle at his misunderstanding of the use of the "special" signs. He was impressed that everything was so very "special" in the shop and didn't realize that "special" meant "on sale" in that context.
This little boy's misinterpretation of the use of a word started my mind to working.... about how differently God sees than we do. People. Circumstances. What we see as failure, God sees as an opportunity for growth and deepening of character. What we see as a broken life, God sees as a chance for something new to be built from the pieces. What we see as a hopeless person, not worth trying to rescue (on sale? not worth much?), God sees as SPECIAL... a treasure.
Hmmm. Out of the mouths of babes... no wonder Jesus said we must be like children! They have a way of seeing things that we miss. They have insight and understanding born of a certain sense of innocence and lack of sophistication. They are generally looking at the world with their eyes wide open and with the wonder and awe of seeing things for the first time. To them, so very much of the world and what it holds is, indeed, SPECIAL...to be delighted in...to be treasured.
I love how God uses everyday situations to remind us of His presence and His character. I love how He uses even the seemingly smallest things to point us to Him and His ways. And, I'm sure I'll never look at a "SPECIAL" sale sign in the same way again.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
celebrate the Sabbath in song...
Enter into my life
Change my structure
Heal all the wounds
Teach me to have holiness
I want to love only You
Because You are my greatest good,
Do a miracle in me.
Yes, Lord, this is my prayer...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
pure joy...
he needs the companionship
of at least one adult who can share it,
rediscovering with him the joy,
excitement, and mystery
of the world we live in.
Friday, March 20, 2009
true happiness... from a hidden place
I was amazed when I read the passage below which Anne had written. Here she was, a teen-age girl, living a hidden existence in a small apartment with nothing of the "real life," barely enough food to survive, no real contact with the outside world... and yet, in the midst of the darkness and ugliness, she eventually discovered an ability within herself to find true happiness...
‘In due time I quieted down and discovered my boundless desire for all that is beautiful and good. And in the evening, when I lie in bed and end my prayers with the words, “I thank You, God, for all that is good and clear and beautiful,” I am filled with joy. Then I think about “the good” of. . . love, the future, happiness and of “the beauty” which exists in the world, nature, beauty and all, all that is exquisite and fine.
I don’t think then of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. . . [Mummy’s] counsel when one feels melancholy is: “Think of all the misery in the world and be thankful you are not sharing in it!” My advice is: “go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature and the sunshine, go out and try to recapture happiness in yourself and in God. Think of all the beauty that’s still left in and around you and be happy!”
I see how [the other] idea can be right, because then how are you supposed to behave if you go through the misery yourself? Then you are lost. On the contrary, I’ve found that there is always some beauty left- in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you. Look at these things, then you find yourself again, and God, and then you regain your balance.
And whoever is happy will make others happy too. He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery!' ~Anne Frank, "Diary of Anne Frank"
I am inspired by Anne. And I am humbled.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
a "love"ly dinner....
ps. I know the photos aren't the best, but that's not what this post is about... the food was actually very beautiful!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
a day for gratitude...
- new baby great-nephew!! (237)
- old friends (236)
- new friends (235)
- time to sit and chat (234)
- having a home to come to after a long day's work (233)
- having a job (232)
- a damp foggy morning (231)
- dirty dishes in the sink (230)
- having food to eat to dirty those dishes (229)
- worshipping with friends (228)
- praying together (227)
- people with whom to share life's ups and downs (226)
- beautiful pink flowers! (225)
- chocolate ice cream (224)
- freshly made waffles (223)
- dentists...and having teeth! (222)
- cool spring evenings (221)
- carpool lanes (220)
- having company in the car so I can USE the car pool lane! (219)
- fast-moving traffic (218)
- fishing (217)
- sea life (216)
- seafood (215)
- old movies (214)
- a comfortable bed (213)
- a good night's sleep (212)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
other captured creatures...
Please note, none of these creatures were harmed in any way. They were merely dragged from their evening swims up onto the dock, shot (ok, photographed) by me, perhaps poked and petted a bit, and then sent back into the ocean on their merry way. I felt like it was an aquatic version of Wild Kingdom -- Marlin Perkins would have been delighted, I think! (ah, I'm probably dating myself here, but we watched that show every Sunday evening when I was a little kid)
And so, here, for your viewing pleasure, I introduce a few Catalina Island ocean creatures....
I do so love to see the amazing creatures God has made...
so very many strange and delightful and colorful and wild!
I'm glad He's so very creative!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
"bugged"...in a good way!
This past weekend I went to Catalina Island to visit some friends and to have some fun. We went for a drive out in the interior of the island, and it was green and lovely! (photos later this week) And then Saturday night I got to try something new and a bit unusual...
For the past couple of years one of my friends has been trying her hand at lobster fishing with a hoop net off the boat dock. She has been inviting me to join her, and this--the final weekend of this year's lobster season--was finally my first time!
Right at about sunset we dressed warmly and headed out to the boat dock with all our supplies: hoop net, squid for bait, a great big bucket, hot chocolate, and a few other things. We met another friend, D, out there, and he was already fishing for a fish or two to use as additional bait. He brought one in (a bonita) right as it was getting dark, and we were all set for catching our "bugs." (that's what lobsters are 'affectionately' called--because that's what they look like and what they sound like, too!)
Here am I, sporting D's fish, looking like I'm quite the fisherwoman! (note the famous Casino building in the background)
As you can see in the photos above and below, our lobsters do not have claws. It makes them much less scary to pick up, though I was still quite trepidatious to grab one out of the net! They are very active and quick and strong, and they don't really like to be handled! I did get the hang of it, though, I didn't pick up the biggest ones we caught...they were just a bit too intimidating for me!