Thursday, April 16, 2009

nature's gift...

“Joy in looking

and comprehending

is nature's most beautiful gift.”
~Albert Einstein

...evidence of God's delightful creatures...

...crazy displays of love...

...special 'treasure' (dollars?!)...

...incredible colors!!...

...beautiful night light...

...finding love in unexpected places...


  1. wow, that's amazing discovery!
    Don't tell me you found those on the same spot (beach) you visit... I'll be extremely jealous :P

  2. Love this and love the pics and love you!

  3. gorgeous finds all - there is much beauty surrounding us

  4. Sharilyn! My daughter Anna and I spent all day outside yesterday, cleaning up the landscape, and Anna (age 4) found a Heart Rock! We saved it. I have it on my dresser, and think of you each time I pass it.

    You're a blessing!


I'm so glad you've stopped by! I love hearing from you and can't wait to read your comments! Let me know what's on your mind and your heart today...