Sunday, March 29, 2009

celebrate the Sabbath...preparing our hearts for the Cross

This is what it SHOULD have looked like:
Crosses covering the hill.
Hundreds and thousands of crosses.
A line, a mass, of crosses-- stretching as far as the eye can see.
"For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
All are deserving of death.
And yet, there were only three crosses on the hill that day--
the center one being the focal point.
That ONE CROSS making a way...
A new way.
A way of LIFE instead of death.
"...the result of one act of righteousness was justification
that brings life for all men." Romans 5:18
And, instead of a hill covered in crosses,
we see but One.
One Cross--bearing ONE MAN--Who dies for the many.
Who takes on the sin of the world.
It is
for which we must prepare our hearts.


  1. Dear Sharilyn, this picture makes me cry.

    At church, our pastor is preparing a row of messages as Good Friday approaches. I couldn't help my tears from falling when He spoke a powerful message about forgiveness.

    Amazing love we've received, that God chose to die on the cross for our sins. Sometimes, I'm terrified by the gravity of sins I've committed and the evil side of men, that we must make the Holy One shed the blood for us. But then, God shows me again and again, that all men are redeemed, evil is conquered, and though Jesus went to hell, He's resurected, alive, and by our side always. I can't explain myself, I just feel... comforted.

    Have a blessed week ahead, my friend.

  2. Oh my, oh my.

    What else can I say?

    Sharilyn, what a wonderful way of making us think about this great sacrifice.


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