Wednesday, December 17, 2008

beauty of the season...

I know it may not seem like the "traditional" beauty of the season... no snow or Christmas trees or any of the other kinds of sights we're used to seeing in the middle of December... unless, of course, you live in southern California. So, I thought I would treat the rest of you --you who may be shivering in the cold winter weather and enjoying the sparkling beauty of fresh-fallen snow -- to a little glimpse into a lovely California December sunset.

I hope you enjoy the show...

God sure does know how to paint it up right, doesn't He?!?


  1. Hi Sharilyn,

    Yes, it's the Master's touch. Beautiful.


  2. wow, that's amazing!
    It's been ages I didn't see sunset like that.

  3. I think you're right: God does know how to paint! Wow, amazing and beautiful shots!

  4. Sigh...I love sunsets. Those pictures are amazing.


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