It was a dark and starry night; the shepherds quaked in fright
As a host of angels filled the cloudless sky.
They said, "Do not fear...Rejoice! for we are here
To tell you of a child that's born this night."
In Bethlehem He lay in a manger filled with hay,
For there was no room in any of the inns.
There His mother, Mary, smiled as she gazed upon the child,
For she knew that He was born to be a King.
For unto us is born in the City of David
The Son of God, Jesus Christ the King,
God Himself on earth, through a humble baby's birth
Has come to save all people from their sins.
So the shepherds quickly went to see this great event.
They found the baby as the angels said.
Though a king He would be, there were no signs of royalty--
No velvet robe nor a crown upon His head.
But the shepherds, they believed
the word of God which they'd received--
That the Babe would be the Savior of all men.
Messiah was born! The shepherds couldn't wait til morn;
They hurried off to tell the world the news right then.
For unto us is born in the City of David
The Son of God, Jesus Christ the King,
God Himself on earth, through a humble baby's birth
Has come to save all people from their sins.
Now, all who heard were amazed.
The name of God was greatly praised
For the glorious things the shepherds saw and heard.
The Babe, they could see, was fulfilling prophecy.
Once again, the Lord Jehovah kept His word!
So, like the shepherds we should be telling everyone we see
Of the love of God which He so freely gives.
Through forgiveness of our sins, the peace and joy of Christ begins
When within our hearts we let this Saviour live...
For unto us is born in the City of David
The Son of God, Jesus Christ the King,
God Himself on earth, through a humble baby's birth
Has come to save all people from their sins.
Thanks for sharing this, I am reminded of what the first Christmas was like. No christmas tree, no decoration, no santa, no carols, but probably it was the best Christmas ever!