Sunday, May 10, 2009

celebrate the Sabbath... thanking the Father for our mothers!

Today we say,
"Thank You for making moms!"

For all they do,
for the ways they care,
for who they are...
We are so very grateful!
Thank You, Lord, for my Mom!
I AM so grateful!!
(I love you, Mom!)

Happy Mother's Day...

to all the moms and grandmas

and those who care for us as though they were...


  1. amen, praise God for our mothers!

  2. I thank god for my mother too and wish she was here to celebrate.

  3. An honest and heartfelt post Sharilyn. I'm so glad that you're bursting with joy for having your mother. God bless...

  4. Sharilyn! In this photo, are you the precious lady on the left?

    God bless you, dear one!

    P.S. -- I have my heart-shaped rock on my bedside table. I have been meaning to photograph it and send it to you. ...


I'm so glad you've stopped by! I love hearing from you and can't wait to read your comments! Let me know what's on your mind and your heart today...