Monday, July 13, 2009

remembering... a key to gratitude...

I ran across this in my Women's Devotional Bible, and it made me think of our adventures in gratitude. As we travel the path of being grateful for the many gifts and blessings in our lives, we must continue to remember... remember what we have been given and from Whom these many blessings come....

~Judith Couchman
"A warm letter from a friend. A compliment from my boss. An unexpected refund. A comforting Scripture. These arrive as God's good gifts to me. But they usually get overlooked while I'm focusing on what feels like--at least to me--insurmountable trouble. Always, it's trouble that God hasn't solved yet. Often, I complain about His delayed response. But really, my myopic vision isn't fair to Him. If I lift my eyes off the problem, I can spot God's gifts all around me. They may not be the answer I'm searching for at the moment, but they're good and continuous gifts that say, "I still love you, my child." They remind me that God doesn't stop caring for me, even though I live with unfulfilled expectations. Now during the hard times, I remind myself to hunt for God's small surprises while I'm waiting for His big solution. It takes my mind off the problem. It helps me to trust Him...It encourages me to know that God still cares."

And this is just what the heart rocks are for me: "...good and continual gifts that say, "I still love you, my child."...God's small surprises while I'm waiting for His big solution(s)."


  1. That's a great thought for this morning and because of a funny memory, it was a good laugh for me.

    When my wife and I were dating, I made the BIG mistake of asking her what's in a woman's devotional Bible. I didn't know and I was curious. So she told me there are a few little Bible helps and quite a few recipes. And I believed her. For a few days. Then I repeated that in a very public place and all of the ladies in the place busted out laughing. Now, 15 years later, I still refuse to trust my wife :-)


I'm so glad you've stopped by! I love hearing from you and can't wait to read your comments! Let me know what's on your mind and your heart today...