Very gracious friends of mine are away for the week, and they kindly gave me a key to their kingdom (condo) and free reign (I think!?) to use the amenities: balcony, grill, washer&dryer, pool. My clothes were cheering at the thought of being washed in a home-washer, and my outdoor-lovin' self was jumping up and down at the thought of eating a freshly-grilled dinner on the balcony while drinking in the glow of the sunset! And a pool! What a delicious ending to each day!
So, this week I've been using my imagination and pretending that I am far, far away from home on a resort vacation. I do have a very active imagination, but it hasn't taken too much of its resources to actually 'feel' far away (though it's only 4 mi from my apt)! They live very near the ocean on an "island" with a canal running around it (see photo), and there are delicious sea breezes, brilliant blue skies, great green palm trees, and the quiet of a small community. It has been a wonderful treat for the senses!
all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest."
~Matthew 11:28
I love how God knows us so thoroughly and completely--that He knows the deepest needs of our hearts and spirits. The past couple of months have been difficult ones for me, and I have been much in need of "rest." He, Who knows me so well, has given me this few days of "away time," "eyes to see" it as such an opportunity, and an imagination to enjoy it to the fullest. I am grateful that He loves me so much to provide in this way for the unspoken cry of my heart.
Be at rest once more,
O my soul, for the LORD
has been good to you.
~ Psalm 116:7
what a wonderful break from the noise of our neighborhood! i hope you are enjoying/enjoyed the time there! you deserve this much-needed respite and luxurious surroundings. :) was good. thx. however, the transition back was a bit like descending into Dante's inferno--3rd or 4th level! i was made for life in naples! truly! :) spent the weekend in catalina... now back to lb, sweet lb! i'm sure i'll see you around again...except that you enjoy your air cond far too often (door closed!) :)