Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
no black friday here...just gratitude...
- a country founded and built upon the desire for freedom to worship God! (148)
- friends with whom to spend the holiday (147)
- a table full of food (146)
- five kernels of corn beside my plate (lest I forget) (145)
- family, though they live far away (144)
- a night of glorious rain (143)
- the delighted smile on the face of my neighbor's son (142)
- a beautiful swarm of tiny "butterflies" in the morning light (141)(though they were actually termites on the move!!)
- a great night's sleep (140)
- a comfortable bed in which to sleep (139)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
happy thanksgiving day...
life one long thanksgiving
and gives a rest of heart,
a gayety of spirit,
~ Hannah Whitall Smith
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
five kernels of corn...
It was a terrible winter, full of great hardship and deprivation. In November a shipload of additional colonists had arrived, but they had brought with them not a bit of equipment--no food, no clothing, no tools, no bedding. Suddenly there were far too many colonists and far too little food.
"...a sobering appraisal by Bradford, Brewster, and Winslow was taken, and a grim decision was reached: they would all have to go on half-rations through the winter, to ensure enough food to see them into the summer season..."*
It was not until almost two years later, in 1623, that the second Thanksgiving celebration took place. And at that feast, the first course that was served --on an empty plate in front of each person--were five kernels of corn...lest anyone should forget.
...At my friend's home at Thanksgiving dinner, in honor and remembrance of God's amazing provision, there are always five kernels of corn next to each plate...lest we should forget.
quotes from "The Light and the Glory" by Peter Marshall and David Manuel
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
the first Thanksgiving...
"The Pilgrims were brimming over with gratitude--not only to Squanto and the Wampanoags who had been so friendly, but to their God. In Him they had trusted, and He had honored their obedience beyond their dreams. So, Governor Bradford declared a day of public Thanksgiving."*
There were feasting and games and contests with their Indian friends. Everything went so well that the celebration was extended to three days!
"They had so much for which to thank God: for providing all their needs, even when their faith had not been up to believing that He would do so; for the lives of the departed and for taking them home to be with Him; for their friendship with the Indians...; for all His remarkable providences in bringing them to this place and sustaining them."*
This was the story of the first Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims had come to the new world to pursue religious freedom--the freedom to worship God as He had called them to. They were brave men and women who endured great hardships but counted it all as suffering for the cause of Christ. These were the men and women who first settled our great nation. These were the ones who 'counted the cost' and left behind all they knew to create a nation for the glory of God!
As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, may we truly be thankful--not only for our tangible blessings but also for the freedoms we enjoy as a result of those who came before us. And, like the Pilgrims, may we recognize from Whom these blessings come...
Let us join with the voices across the ages as we give gratitude to God for His amazing providence and His incredible blessings! Thank You, Lord; we are grateful!!
*quotes taken from "The Light and the Glory" by Peter Marshall and David Manuel
Monday, November 24, 2008
the season of thanksgiving...
You see, I love Thanksgiving. It's one of my very favorite holidays. It is a time for being with family and friends, for eating delicious food, for a four-day weekend... but most of all, it is a time for being thankful. For expressing that thankfulness. For celebrating God's goodness and our so-very-many blessings!
My pet peeve, however, is the way Thanksgiving is hastily skipped over. Since it's not a money-making commercialized holiday, it doesn't get the focus it really deserves. The minute Halloween is over, the stores immediately move to decorate for Christmas (if not before!), and the gimme-gimme-buy-me commercialism is everywhere we look and listen. (I used to boycott any store playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving, but now that's almost impossible!)
Suddenly, everything is all about what we want and must have instead of focusing on what we already DO have! Thanksgiving is treated as a springboard for the biggest shopping day of the year --Black Friday. And now, that shopping day has been joined by Cyber Monday, which is supposedly one of the biggest online shopping days of the year. Eat up that Thanksgiving dinner so you'll have energy to arise at 4am and head out to the sales!
I would love it if we could have the Thanksgiving weekend with no other purpose but to celebrate thankfulness, to revel in gratitude. Thankfulness to God for the gift of Himself in our lives. Thankfulness to Him for the many ways He blesses us. Thankfulness for our family and our friends. Thankfulness for the less tangible blessings, like peace and joy and laughter and comfort. Thankfulness that the sun has risen on yet another day and the stars have appeared in yet another night sky.
For these, and so many more, I am thankful. And, oh yes, I do love the feasting --all the delicious taste treats-- but I know the day is so much more than the food. I want to think about and soak in all these thankful thoughts, and I delight in sharing them with loved ones.
A couple of years ago, as part of the table decorations on Thanksgiving Day, my friend put a special quote on each person's plate. My quote was about Peace :
It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
I pray that this Thanksgiving, you would be able to take the day to celebrate your thankfulness. And I pray for you that, even in the midst of noise, trouble, or hard work, you would find PEACE in your heart as a result of your gratitude.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
celebrate the Sabbath... with rest
Saturday, November 22, 2008
ok...a few more of my favorite...
Kids faces say so much...especially the mouth part!
~unknown author
Friday, November 21, 2008
another of my favorite things...
But, every now and then, I am treated to some wonderful cloud sights! I usually respond by grabbing my camera and trying, oh so hard!, to get some cool photos. A few weeks ago, when we actually had a bit of rain (yes, occasionally it does rain here!), there were some very interesting and photo-worthy clouds outside my door. I call this type "cloud ledges," and I find them most intriguing, indeed!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
one of my favorite things...
And, I fly over 2000 miles to get this special squeaky cheese! OK. Well, I don't fly there JUST for the cheese, but I do make sure we make a trip to the Farm Country Cheese House whenever I'm visiting my family in Michigan. And that's where I find this wonderful audially-stimulating taste-treat! (yes, I realize "audially" is not really a word, but like the cheese, I like it!)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
leave us amazed...
leave us amazed at
Not 'leave us amazed by what You have done.' Nor 'leave us amazed by what You have created.' Those are both amazing enough on their own and, if we were to start naming each of those multitudinous wonders, it could keep us in a permanent state of amazement!
But that's not what it said. It was...
leave us amazed at
Who He IS. Not what He does nor what He has made. But Who He IS. That is my prayer tonight... that we would see Him and know Him and that He would leave us AMAZED at Who He is.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"be careful what you pray for..."
And, really, how do we get actually acquire those types of things for which we pray? Usually the best way for God to give us 'good character' traits is by giving us on-the-job-training!--by putting us in a situation (or many, if we don't learn well the first or second or third time!) requiring the practice or exercise of that very character trait. And, though God COULD just hand us a bucket-full of patience, He usually helps us to DEVELOP it instead. Romans 5:3-4 shows us the progression of developing good character: "...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." As a result, I've many times heard people say, "Oh, don't pray for patience!! You might just get what you're praying for!"
Well, today I heard that phrase go through my head-- "be careful what you pray for!" because I have recently been praying for something. And today, I think God gave me a bit of what I was praying for. It was then the phrase went through my head. I was saying it to myself somewhat tongue-in-cheek because I really DO want that thing for which I have been praying, but... I didn't really think about what it could mean. I didn't REALLY think about what it would FEEL like to have God answer that prayer...
Because what I've been praying is... that God would break my heart with the things that break His.
I pause as I write it...because of the gravity of what I am asking...and because, though I am not sure what that will look like, I really do mean it. I want God to show me what it is that He would have me be broken-hearted over...what He would have me be passionate about. For out of that heart-brokenness we are moved to passionate caring and action.
I don't want to try to drum up feeling for something. I don't want it to be about me. I cannot, of myself, stir up my cold heart of stone into a caring, loving, compassionate heart. I need God to turn my heart of stone into a heart of flesh. I want Him to show me where it is He wants me to care most deeply, to stir my heart into passion...and out of that deep, heart-wrenching caring to be used by serve use my hands and feet and time to serve. To serve Him in that place of His broken-heartedness. In the area where He has shown me His heart of love.
Monday, November 17, 2008
blocking the Son...
When I was shooting the photos, I realized I wasn't able to see the details of the sun itself because of the colors and the brilliant glow. I thought, perhaps, if I were to shoot it in black and white, I would be able to see the actual outlines of the sun. And it worked! As soon as I eliminated the parts of the sunset that were the most outstanding, the most visible--the color and the brilliance--I could actually see the sun itself in greater detail.
After reading JH's comment, it made me think about how this also applies to my spiritual life, to my faith in God. I think sometimes I can get distracted by the external trappings of walking with God--of church, of my expectations of Who He is, of the blessings He gives-- and I lose sight of the important details, such as Who He really is, His character, His love for me.
If, as JH said, I "underestimate the power of color," if I don't realize the effect of the external things--the distractions, no matter how beautiful they seem-- I can find myself blinded by them. I can find myself unable to see the simplicity of my relationship with God, the simplicity of faith in Him, the true details of His character, the awesome reality of His love for me. But, if I take away the "color" and view it all in black and white, I can see the Son Himself in greater detail-- the elegant beauty of Who He is and of His love for me.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
celebrate the Sabbath...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
fires in Southern California...
the early afternoon sun shining through the smoke...
This was a most incredible sight--my friend pulled the car over so I could take a couple of photos. Look at the beautiful light reflections on the water... the red color absolutely amazed me!! I had never seen anything like that in the middle of the day!
...and then began the sunset in brilliant reds and pinks and orange...
...and then the sun finally sets...
(no, it's not's a bit of ash on my car!)
And though I've been able to share with you some photos of the beautiful side of the fires, for those who have lost homes, the fires are not so lovely. Please pray for all those affected by the fires--for the safety of the firefighters, for those who have lost homes and belongings, for everyone who is helping in any way, and for the fires to be put out completely and quickly.