Monday, October 20, 2008

rainy days and Mondays...

Perhaps you remember that old song by the Carpenters that says "rainy days and Mondays always get me down..." Well, today is a Monday, and it is also a rainy day here in Michigan. Unlike the Carpenters, I don't mind a rainy day much at all...not even when it's on a Monday! Especially since I live in sunny, barely-ever-get-any-rain southern California, I rather LOVE a rainy day!

I also find the colors of fall to be more striking on gloomy days when they do not have to compete with the bright sun. Since I can only seem to upload a single picture (or maybe two, if I'm lucky), I thought I would post one of my rainy-day tree photos (can't keep a nature-lovin' photographer out of the rain!!)...

Many of the trees have already lost their fall finery, but there are still some dressed in outstanding oranges, radiant reds, and grand greens. When we're driving somewhere, I continually pull the car over to the side of the road when I spot a pretty tree. I simply MUST take their photographs! (my mom is quite used to it by now and is very accomodating of my stopping-to-take-a-picture habit!) here's to rainy Mondays ... and these wonderful fall colors!!

  • beautiful colors made brighter in the gloom (101)
  • rainy days! (100)
  • Mondays to start off a new week (99)


  1. This is a lovely shot, gal. I know the song by Karen. C. Glad that you're loving rainy days or rainy Monday, glad that you're loving photography this much too. =)

    Enjoy your hols!

  2. What a wonderful outlook to have on a rainy Monday. I completely agree with you about fog enhancing the brilliant fall colors. I haven't gotten a chance to shoot on a foggy fall day, I hope to soon.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. thanks, Stardust! my time at home was too fast but a good time with my family and fall!

    ww-thanks for stopping by! though more of my days in Michigan were gloomy/rainy than sunny, i did get some beautiful color shots... mmm. i love how the fall trees brighten any kind of day!


I'm so glad you've stopped by! I love hearing from you and can't wait to read your comments! Let me know what's on your mind and your heart today...