Monday, September 8, 2008

sharing the love...

Today's post is about "sharin' the love"... Two weeks ago (I sheepishly say!) my friend and neighbor Eva announced to the world (or at least to all of her readers!!) that she loves my blog! by honoring me with this award:

I was most excited to know that not only was someone out there reading my blog, but they were actually enjoying it! : ) (Sidenote to all of you who do leave me comments-- I LOVE hearing from you and am absolutely thrilled that you stop by to visit and check out my blog!! I am truly honored that you would take the time to read my humble words.)

And so, in keeping with the 'award tradition,' I am passing on the love to those whom I read and enjoy on a regular basis...

  1. Ann Voskamp of A Holy Experience - I love reading her blog on a daily basis, as she inspires me with her depth of insight and her beautiful photos. She writes about life and faith and seeing God in every breath of her day as she walks in her roles of farmer's wife, mother, and homeschool teacher of six. Her writings are very visual, and poignant, and she reminds me to seek and pursue our Lord in every moment and circumstance.
  2. Farmgirl Susan of Farmgirl Fare - Her blog is a rich assortment of photos and stories of life on her Missiouri farm. She also posts lots of delicious recipes that make me hungry no matter how long it's been since I've eaten! I love to live the farmlife vicariously through her! (and she has wonderful creatures on her farm!!)
  3. Kimberly of The Heart Rock Collective (and Transformation of the Spirit) - I feel a special kinship with Kimberly, as we share a love of Heart Rocks as well as the joy of seeking God's blessing in our daily lives. On her HRC blog, she searches out and brings together people who, like herself, have found heart rocks and meaningful experiences that accompany them. I look forward to reading her posts, as she inspires me to continue to see God's love in my daily life.
  4. Stardust of What's in store a God-Blessed Box - I think of Stardust as my Singaporean friend though we've never met but on our blogs. She is an amazing photographer, and I eagerly await her postings to see what it is she has been 'seeing' each day! She has a great 'eye' and one can tell that she so enjoys discovering the Creator in His creation!
  5. Picturing God Through His Creation - Though he hasn't posted in awhile, Mr. Mills takes fantastic nature photos, and I love his writing. I think what he writes is very thought-provoking and well worth the time to read! Since he's not currently posting, I've been taking some walks through his archives and catching up on what he's previously written.
  6. Ree of Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - I just recently discovered this little gem, and I've been greatly enjoying her writings. She is a delightful ranch mom with a knack for words and photography, and her website is one full of stories, photos, and cowboy recipes! (and if you like cowboy romances, you should start reading her story of her romance with her now-husband-- it's great reading!! but be forewarned, it's a cliff hanger because it's still not all written yet!!)
Also, a big THANKS to Eva for inspiring and encouraging me to start my blog (and for her entertaining posts!)... and a final great big THANK YOU to all of you who visit me here! I truly appreciate you...

(ps. please forgive the smooshed-up, space-less formatting, but sometimes the formatting tool on these posts refuses to behave!!)
  • the joy of writing (43)
  • the art of creation (42)
  • the internet! (41)
  • the ability to meet new friends all around the globe! (40)
  • wonderful people who take the time to visit my blog! (39)


  1. Sharilyn, first, congratulations on your first award! =D Surely, there must be those who find it hard not to love your blog, cos you have so much to offer! I've often received a piece of cheerful spirit whenever I come. =)

    Thank you for remembering my humble GBB, and the kind award. I thank you more for your friendship, and I hope that it lasts... =)

  2. Sharilyn, thanks for your kind words and sweet recognition of my blogs. I, too, enjoy the shared connection...your photography and reflections on God's blessings inspire me, make me smile, remind me of God's love and challenge me to think and live differently in the world. Keep sharing!

    Peace & Blessings,

  3. I am so happy that you've found joy in this new pursuit! Happy Blogging, neighbor! :)


I'm so glad you've stopped by! I love hearing from you and can't wait to read your comments! Let me know what's on your mind and your heart today...